life is a coflatmap

Monads are important for sequencing effectful computions in pure functional programming – however, this is not about monads. At least not directly.

In category theory, there is a concept of a dual, where the source and target of each morphism are interchanged.

Recall the definition of monad (omitting functor and applicative here for brevity):

trait Monad[M[_]]:
  def pure[A](a: A): M[A]
  def flatMap[A, B](f: A => M[B])(ma: M[A]): M[B]

Therefore, monads have a dual, the comonad.

trait Comonad[W[_]]:
  def extract[A](wa: W[A]): A
  def coflatMap[A, B](wa: W[A])(f: W[A] => B): W[B]

When I first learned about this, it was very surprising to me. Monads are essential to functional programing, so are comonads similarly useful?

In a sense, I suppose they are. At first, because monads are about sequencing, I thought comonads may be about "nesting" or "dis-sequencing". That's not quite true.

Comonads have a few immediate applications:

We will be looking at the latter case today by exploring Conway's Game of Life.

To model the Game of Life, we'll use a common comonad called Store. This takes a value, S, and a render function, S => A. Sometimes S is called the index.

case class Store[S, A](store: S, render: S => A)

We can implement the Comonad instance of this using the nice new Scala 3 type lambda syntax.

object Store:
  given [S]: Comonad[[A] =>> Store[S, A]] with
    def extract[A](wa: Store[S, A]): A = wa.render(

    def map[A, B](wa: Store[S, A])(f: A => B): Store[S, B] =
      wa.copy(render = wa.render.andThen(f))

    def coflatMap[A, B](wa: Store[S, A])(f: Store[S, A] => B): Store[S, B] =
      Store(, s => f(Store(s, wa.render)))

Now, how can we encode Conway's Game of Life as a Store comonad?

First, the index S could be the 2D coordinates of a cell, (Int, Int).

The render fuction would then simply be a function from (Int, Int) to the state of the cell, Alive or Dead.

enum Conway:
  case Alive, Dead

type Coordinate = (Int, Int)
type GameOfLife = Store[Coordinate, Conway]
type Grid = Coordinate => Conway

Here we're calling Grid as an alias for the render function.

Remember that comonads have a coflatMap method that is written in terms of the render function and the index, S. For us, that is Grid and Coordinate, respectively.

We can model the Game of Life as a computation in those terms.

def nextState(coordinate: Coordinate)(grid: Grid): Conway =
  val (x, y) = coordinate

  val neighbors = for
    nx <- (x - 1) to (x + 1)
    ny <- (y - 1) to (y + 1)
    if !(nx == x && ny == y)
  yield grid((nx, ny))

  val aliveNeighbors = neighbors.count(_ == Conway.Alive)

  grid(coordinate) match
    case Conway.Alive if aliveNeighbors < 2 => Conway.Dead
    case Conway.Alive if aliveNeighbors > 3 => Conway.Dead
    case Conway.Dead if aliveNeighbors == 3 => Conway.Alive
    case state => state

This is exactly the signature of coflatMap, which advances the state of the game. Done repeatedly, it "builds" state as it successively ~coflatMap~s.

def evolve(game: GameOfLife): GameOfLife =
  game.coflatMap { w =>

This is a pretty elegant way to encode the Game of Life. After some data modeling, the entire thing reduces to a simple function over coflatMap. Life is just a coflatMap.

Full gist here with some optimizations.