life is a coflatmap
Monads are important for sequencing effectful computions in pure functional programming – however, this is not about monads. At least not directly.
In category theory, there is a concept of a dual, where the source and target of each morphism are interchanged.
Recall the definition of monad (omitting functor and applicative here for brevity):
trait Monad[M[_]]:
def pure[A](a: A): M[A]
def flatMap[A, B](f: A => M[B])(ma: M[A]): M[B]
Therefore, monads have a dual, the comonad.
trait Comonad[W[_]]:
def extract[A](wa: W[A]): A
def coflatMap[A, B](wa: W[A])(f: W[A] => B): W[B]
When I first learned about this, it was very surprising to me. Monads are essential to functional programing, so are comonads similarly useful?
In a sense, I suppose they are. At first, because monads are about sequencing, I thought comonads may be about "nesting" or "dis-sequencing". That's not quite true.
Comonads have a few immediate applications:
- They can simulate object-oriented programming in a few ways; namely, by "building" state and then returning it (i.e. builder patterns)
- They appear in any context where you "collapse" a contextual value to a concrete value
We will be looking at the latter case today by exploring Conway's Game of Life.
To model the Game of Life, we'll use a common comonad called
. This takes a value, S
, and a render function, S =>
. Sometimes S
is called the index.
case class Store[S, A](store: S, render: S => A)
We can implement the Comonad instance of this using the nice new Scala 3 type lambda syntax.
object Store:
given [S]: Comonad[[A] =>> Store[S, A]] with
def extract[A](wa: Store[S, A]): A = wa.render(
def map[A, B](wa: Store[S, A])(f: A => B): Store[S, B] =
wa.copy(render = wa.render.andThen(f))
def coflatMap[A, B](wa: Store[S, A])(f: Store[S, A] => B): Store[S, B] =
Store(, s => f(Store(s, wa.render)))
Now, how can we encode Conway's Game of Life as a Store comonad?
First, the index S
could be the 2D coordinates of a cell, (Int,
The render fuction would then simply be a function from (Int, Int)
to the state of the cell, Alive
or Dead
enum Conway:
case Alive, Dead
type Coordinate = (Int, Int)
type GameOfLife = Store[Coordinate, Conway]
type Grid = Coordinate => Conway
Here we're calling Grid
as an alias for the render
Remember that comonads have a coflatMap
method that is written in
terms of the render function and the index, S
. For us, that is
and Coordinate
, respectively.
We can model the Game of Life as a computation in those terms.
def nextState(coordinate: Coordinate)(grid: Grid): Conway =
val (x, y) = coordinate
val neighbors = for
nx <- (x - 1) to (x + 1)
ny <- (y - 1) to (y + 1)
if !(nx == x && ny == y)
yield grid((nx, ny))
val aliveNeighbors = neighbors.count(_ == Conway.Alive)
grid(coordinate) match
case Conway.Alive if aliveNeighbors < 2 => Conway.Dead
case Conway.Alive if aliveNeighbors > 3 => Conway.Dead
case Conway.Dead if aliveNeighbors == 3 => Conway.Alive
case state => state
This is exactly the signature of coflatMap
, which advances the state
of the game. Done repeatedly, it "builds" state as it successively
def evolve(game: GameOfLife): GameOfLife =
game.coflatMap { w =>
This is a pretty elegant way to encode the Game of Life. After some
data modeling, the entire thing reduces to a simple function over
coflatMap. Life is just a coflatMap
Full gist here with some optimizations.