a tale of the chip-8 emulator
the proverbial chip-8 project
The CHIP-8 is popular beginner project, and one I enjoy simply for the purpose of learning (or re-learning) a programming language.
The CHIP-8 itself is a virtual machine and interpreter for an instruction set. It's been ported to basically everything (including a SNES cartridge, which I find hilarious), and was a popular hobbyist development machine in the 70's and 80's.
Traditionally, you would type in the instruction's hex codes using the keypad and execute the program. Many CHIP-8 enthusiasts will tell you how they'd work out the assembly on paper before manually entering the instructions on the keypad.
There are a few reasons a CHIP-8 emulator is a good project is:
- You will use a fairly good cross-section of commonly used things in any language: arrays, hash maps, iteration, conditionals, bitewise operations, types or structs, and so on
- Although the instruction set is easy, it can be insidiously difficult to debug, and learning to debug effectively in a language is a important skill you won't get from following tutorials
- You will do some "non-tutorial" level tasks, like file IO, reading bytes and decoding them into CHIP-8 instructions, maintaining the emulator loop, drawing sprites to the screen, etc.
That all being said, this is my experience writing a CHIP-8 emulator in OCaml and Common Lisp.
OCaml is a beautiful language, and writing it is almost like writing math on a blackboard, which is a positive notion to a former mathematics major. I've been thoroughly indoctrinated to the "make invalid state unrepresentable" philosophy from my years as a Scala developer, so OCaml felt like an incredibly simplified version of Scala, with paradoxically a more powerful type system.
The CHIP-8 CPU contains various things, including the RAM, registers, and a few "pseudo-registers", which include a program counter and so on.
In OCaml, you might model that as such:
(* in cpu.ml *)
type t = {
memory : Memory.t;
registers : Registers.t;
mutable pc : uint16;
(* ... *)
(* in memory.ml *)
type t = bytes
let create () = Bytes.create 4096
(* in registers.ml *)
type t = uin8 array
let create () = Array.make 16 Uint8.zero
In OCaml, you can hide the concrete type by not exposing them directly in the interface file. This hides the fact that, for example, the memory is really just a byte array, and it allows you to provide safer functions to operator on the type. For example, we might provide a safer way to read uint8 values from the byte array.
(* memory.mli *)
(* leaving the type undefined here will "hide" the fact that it's
really a byte array. We will refer to this type as Memory.t *)
type t
val read_uint8 : t -> int -> uint8 option
(* other function signatures *)
In this example, we might provide a readuint8 function that allows a user to read data from the CHIP-8 memory, but protects them if they try to go over the 4kb limit. We disallow out of bounds exceptions by returning an option, and because the underlying type is hidden, users of our API can't subvert us by using standard byte array functions on memory. The only API they get is the one we provide.
This is nice because it allows us to enforce safety. It's not quite as good as refined types (see Scala, LiquidHaskell), but it still gets us pretty far. I also found myself not minding the explicitness of making my own interface files and hiding the implementation behind the interface, because there was nothing hidden.
OCaml supports tagged unions, so one of the natural things to do is make a type for the instruction set. This seems natural, because building types for the instructions and functions to mutate the CPU on those types (rather than raw unsigned 8-bit integers), decouples the program logic from the raw data and allows us to take advantage of OCaml's exhaustive pattern matching to more safely structure our code. Any exceptions then are pushed to the edge when we translate the raw uint8's into our intermediate data model of the instruction set.
This is what I did in OCaml, but is it a good idea? Going from:
- raw-data -> intermediate types -> cpu-effecting-functions
As opposed to this:
- raw-data -> cpu-effecting-functions
I went the first approach with OCaml, and this introduces an extra step that is, strictly speaking, unnecessary. It has a few advantages, for instance, if we wanted to decompile ROMs to their human-readable instructions, we could re-use those intermediate types. We could also use the intermediate types to write our own assembler to make our own CHIP-8 programs.
But it's interesting how the language design – at least for me – pushed me to this direction. I wanted to use OCaml's exhaustive pattern matching, so I intuitively began modeling the instruction set separate from the raw data model. In C and Zig, I did not do this. Perhaps going straight from raw data to operating on the CHIP-8 CPU is more "data-oriented"?
Tagged unions of instructions and exploiting exhaustive pattern matching might look something like this:
type instruction = CLR | RET | JP_Addr of uint8 (* and more ... *)
let execute_instruction cpu inst =
match inst with
| CLR -> (* ... *)
| RET -> (* ... *)
| JP_Addr nnn -> (* ... *)
let tick cpu =
(* get the next opcode at the program counter *)
let opcode = Memory.get cpu.pc in
(* execute the instruction *)
execute_instruction cpu opcode
Taken together, these features allow you to effectively restrict the domain of possible input values and, yes, make invalid state unrepresentable.
How was the experience developing with OCaml? Frankly, I was surprised how good it was. The tooling with Emacs is very good. The OCaml community seem to complain about tooling, and while it may be somewhat bare bones, it was at least stable (for me).
Common Lisp
Common Lisp is quite different than OCaml and it was a surprising experience.
One of the things I enjoy about Common Lisp is the Common Lisp Object System (CLOS). This is not a conventional object-oriented system, it is, briefly, something more akin to "enhanced" structs with multimethods, and some devious ways of customizing the method dispatch (known as the metaobject protocol).
And by "enhanced structs" I mean that CLOS classes are essentially data containers – they only contain data and do not co-locate methods and data together – but the field members (known as slots) have several capabilities beyond raw data containers, such as the ability to enforce type.
(defclass instruction () ())
(defgeneric execute-instruction (cpu instruction))
(definstruction jp-addr nnn)
;; instruction here (example)
(defmethod execute-instruction ((cpu cpu) (opcode jp-addr))
(with-slots (pc) cpu
(with-slots (nnn) opcode
(setf pc nnn))))
What is this "definstruction" in the above example? This is one of the strengths of Common Lisp – you can simply create new syntax to reduce boilerplate.
This is the definition of definstruction.
(defmacro definstruction (name &rest fields)
(defclass ,name (instruction)
,(loop :for field :in fields
:collect `(,field
:initarg ,(intern (symbol-name field) "KEYWORD")
:reader ,(intern (concatenate 'string
(symbol-name name) "-"
(symbol-name field))))))
(defmethod print-object ((obj ,name) out)
(print-unreadable-object (obj out :type t :identity t)
(dolist (slot ',fields)
(format out "~A: ~X "
(string slot)
(slot-value obj slot)))))))
Then the call to definstruction above expands to this.
(defclass jp-addr (instruction) ((nnn :initarg :nnn :reader jp-addr-nnn)))
(defmethod print-object ((obj jp-addr) out)
(print-unreadable-object (obj out :type t :identity t)
(dolist (slot '(nnn))
(format out "~A: ~X " (string slot) (slot-value obj slot))))))
This executes a procedure that
- Creates a jp-addr class, subclassed by instruction with auto-generated slots.
- Creates a print-object method (think of toString).
Although it may seem a bit silly, this substantially reduces boilerplate – and reducing boilerplate in intelligent ways can make programs more understandable by humans and less prone to bugs.
Another strength is that Common Lisp is unquestionably the most debugable language I've ever used. The REPL is renowned because it allows you to recompile the project at runtime, but the real hero in my project was the condition system. Any error gets captured top-level and you're given the chance to fix the source code, recompile the code that caused the error, and retry without exiting the program.
I can't tell you how many times I screwed up a CHIP-8 instruction and overflowed the register. When running in Sly (the REPL in Emacs), I'd hit the faulty instruction and Sly would capture the condition and pause the emulator. I could then go fix the instruction, recompile the definition, and tell Sly to retry the instruction. It would work without having to reset the entire emulator! I was able to work through most of the emulator in this fashion, not even implementing most of the instructions, and just implementing them as I hit them one by one.
So that was basically the development experience, and it was an interesting one: stub out instructions without fully implementing them, run the emulator and when you the interpreter ran into an unimplemented instruction, it would capture the condition and allow you to inspect implement the instruction, inspect the emulators RAM – everything. It was an interesting experience having the full REPL and the ability to capture conditions to pause and resume like that.
Zig? Racket? D?
When writing this, I was working on a Zig implementation. It is not finished, mostly due to time and life commitments. I won't comment much, but the experience so far has been incredibly positive.
I've used D on and off for years, and even written a small game in it. I love the opt-out GC, and the future opt-in borrow checker sounds extremely compelling. D has recently added ImportC, which may give the same ergonomics as Zig when interoperating with C libraries.
I'm also curious about Racket. I have a long albeit casual history writing Racket, and my memory is that it's considerably more consistent and less crufty than Common Lisp, has a superior macro system, although doesn't have the same debugability superpowers. I'm curious to see what modern Racket feels like. I have visions of using the #lang features in Racket to build a high-level CHIP-8 assembler.
I would like to do this in the future, but for now I'm a bit tired of making CHIP-8 emulators. I'll follow up this post if I ever get to it.
I will continue using OCaml and Common Lisp. It's hard for me to pick a favorite.
OCaml vs. Common Lisp was an interesting contrast, and made me re-evaluate some long-held opinions on testing, soundness, and type safety. Again, I've worked with Scala professionally for so long, what I "got" from OCaml was what I expected (in a good way). But I can't deny that, although in many ways I'd consider OCaml to be the superior language, the tooling and debugability of Common Lisp made me shockingly productive. This brings up an interesting thought experiment to consider: What is more important? Type safety or debugability?
I think OCaml would be great for anything where safety, specification, and low tolerance for bugs are a priority. The code is also, in my opinion, the most readable of the bunch. It has high performance and is easy to write. It would be great for writing tooling – say, for example, you wanted to write a DSL and a build system to deploy clustered Erlang applications. This would be challenging because Erlang applications, when they run in a clustered way, need to be configured consistently across the cluster, and such a system would need a level of static analysis to determine the correctness of the configuration. OCaml would be great for this.
Common Lisp would be great for anything exploratory, where you are unsure what the project will turn into and look like by the time you are done with it, and for something that needed hardcore debugging, especially if it ran in a loop or was otherwise difficult for traditional languages and tooling to debug. I actually think Common Lisp would be great for things like game development, web servers, and GUI applications. Such applications are amenable to being built in a malleable way, leveraging the interactivity of Common Lisp.
Either way, both are awesome languages and I'm happy to work with both.
You can view the GitHub repositories for both implementations here: